Linear Mapping of Cortico-Cortico Resting-State Functional Connectivity


Analyzing connectivity between pairs of cortical regions is important for understanding how the brain is structured and how it transmits information. Various cortical areas show graded organization along intrinsic axes defined by functional connectivity (Guell et al. and Langers et al.). Recent work applies Laplacian eigenmaps to characterize gradients (connectopies) (Haak et al.) but stops short of relating gradients between region pairs. O’Rawe et al. introduce the idea of pairwise regional linear mapping. Using 150 HCP (Glasser et al.) subjects and corresponding HCP-MMP parcellations, we build off the work by O’Rawe et al. to relate pairwise linear maps to the intrinsic axes defined by functional connectivity.

Organization for Human Brain Mapping Conference, 2020