Buck Creek Pass Loop

My friend David moved to London recently, so we set out to do a long trail-run before he left the States. We decided on Buck Creek Pass Loop, a 36 mile loop on the east side of Glacier Peak in the Easter Cascades. It had been on my list for a long time, and I was considering doing it solo for a while, but am glad David ended up joining. We camped near the trailhead the night before, and departed for the long slog around 6am. This wasn’t my longest run, but this one definitely hurt the most. Scroll down for some beautiful scenery, courtesy of David’s fancy camera!

Nothing beats the morning alpenglow of the Cascades.
Chiwawa Peak in the background. With so much green on the western slopes of the Cascades, you could be forgiven for forgetting how magnificent the eastern is.
Ascending the Spider Glacier. We saw some small crevasses on the way up, but the ice was so melted out (nearly gone, in fact), that we chanced the rope-free climb.
Alpine tributary turbulence in Lyman Lake
Glacier Peak: another one of my top 5 Spring skiing goals for 2021.
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